On 5/21/07, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > #3896 - pass value to field specific clean function [2]
> Grr...don't put two issues in one ticket!
> I'm -1 on the first part because it's an unnecessary backwards
> incompatibility change for the most part. It's not like it's a massive
> performance improvement in an area that is currently slow.
> Definitely +1 on the second part, though. Removing the first assignment
> to self.cleaned_data would make a lot of sense.

This change would make things cleaner and obvious (as well as being
the best way to fix the bug of cleaned_data having uncleaned values).
I personally don't mind changing code and retesting for that purpose,
but since many others do I'm +0.

But I wanted to point out that the two changes are closely related,
and both are needed to fix the bug. Applying the second change without
the first would break any code that uses a clean_* method right now,
and applying the first without the second would also break code as
well as not actually fixing the bug.

I am not sure that I didn't miss something obvious, though. If I did,
please correct me, I would like to properly understand the proposed

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