On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss
> * Start a "train release" schedule: schedule a couple of 1.0 betas, a
> rc or two, and then a final release. Features that are done by the
> dates get released, those that aren't, don't. Make these dates
> aggressive but not crazy. And -- here's the controversial part -- make
> newforms-admin an "optional" part. If it's done, awesome; if not,
> include it in the next release. The current admin has some bugs, yes,
> but it's usable enough. As long as we advertised that it's on the way
> out we shouldn't have too much trouble.


Newforms-admin needs to get done. Putting it off from the first couple
betas or RCs will just increase the temptation to put it off further,
so what we should do is identify anything that's slowing it down and
work to resolve that. If that means organizing a sprint or two on it
and then doing a trunk merge to get more eyeballs on the code, then
let's do that instead.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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