On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Waldemar Kornewald
<wkornew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:46 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
> <freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The current query_class will need to change slightly to support
>> multi-db, so anything you implement against that interface will
>> require some rework later on. That said, the fundamental approach
>> (i.e., the backend tells you what class to use for queries) will still
>> be there - it will just be used in a slightly different way.
> In the SVN multi-db branch there is a modified query_class() API.
> OTOH, on github it got replaced with SQLCompiler. Are the
> query_class() changes already committed somewhere?

No, they haven't been developed yet. Alex and I did the initial design
work at the DjangoCon sprints, but we haven't actually implemented
anything yet.

> Why do you still need query_class() if you already have SQLCompiler?
> If this is just about making non-SQL backends work then you'll need
> some kind of backend-independent query representation, so
> QuerySet.using() can be supported. That's exactly what we've already
> done with QueryGlue, so maybe you should better reuse what we've
> started and finish that together with us, so we all don't waste time
> on refactoring everything twice?

There are two different agents at work here.

We need to split sql.Query from QueryCompiler to support the fact that
the same SQL-like query needs to be rendered in different ways by
different backends. This can be as simple as the character used for
quoting, or as complex as wrapper clauses needed to handle LIMIT and

There is a separate issue of determining if sql.Query is the right
internal structure to use for representing a query.

To date, sql.Query is the right structure for all Django's supported
backends. It might even be the right structure for a non-SQL backend
that provides a SQL-like query layer (AppEngine possibly falls into
this category, as might a SimpleDB backend). However, a CouchDB,
Cassandra or MongoDB backend probably won't get much traction using an
internal query structure that talks about Joins and Where clauses.

So - the intention is to repurpose query_class() slightly. Once
refactored, query_class() will be required to return a class that
implements the Query interface. sql.Query is the only example at
present, but other backends can provide other internal
representations. The call to query_class() will be made in QuerySet -
not as part of the sql.Query construction. In this way, query_class()
becomes the "get me the actual implementation" method on the backend.

We're *not* trying to build a completely generic internal query
representation. I'm not convinced that such an animal is even possible
in the general case - again, JOIN means something to relational
databases, but doesn't mean much to non-SQL databases. If AppEngine is
able to leverage some of the sql.Query internals, thats great - but I
don't expect that this will be the default situation.

Russ Magee %-)

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