Hi folks --

I'd like to start the process of deprecating and removing support for
psycopg 1. Why?

* psycopg 2 is better in every way.
* psycopg 1 hasn't been updated since October 2005; it's basically a dead end.
* I don't know anyone using it in production.
* For the couple-three people who *are*, it's now possible (and
reasonably easy) to maintain an external backend.

I'm proposing the following very predictable timeline:

Django 1.2
    Use of the "postgresql" backend raises a PendingDeprecationWarning.

Django 1.3
    Use of the "postgresql" backend raises a DeprecationWarning.

Django 1.4
    Remove the "postgresql" backend from Django (and put it on

Any objections?

[I'm deliberately not discussing anything regarding the renaming of
the "postgresql_psycopg2" backend. I have a bigger proposal I'd like
to make around that, but that's gonna have to wait for 1.3.]



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