On Dec 12, 5:09 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <ja...@jacobian.org> wrote:
> I prefer to think of it like this:
> Django 1.2 ships. Users read the release notes, and notice that
> psycopg1 is now deprecated and will be removed. It's still there, and
> still supported, so they can upgrade quickly and not have to be stuck
> on 1.1.
> Django 1.3 ships. Now, using psycopg1 spews ugly error messages to the
> console and Apache's error logs. But psycopg1 still works, so users
> can upgrade immediately and get around to fixing the ugly warning
> messages at their leisure.
> Django 1.4 ships. Those who've ignored both the release notes and the
> error messages over the last year (or more) get what they deserve.

Note that Python recently changed it's policy on deprecation warnings.
Python 2.7 and 3.2 will only display DeprecationWarnings when a switch
is set (a lower-case -w switch was proposed to enable these warnings).
So with these versions of Python it won't make a difference between
PendingDeprecationWarning and DeprecationWarning in terms of
noisyness ... although it is possible to modify this behaviour in code
with the warnings module (such as during Django initialization).


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