The next major revision of the admin will definitely use either less or 
sass, because it is uncivilized to work without such lovely tools nowadays.

I'm less certain about bootstrap. It has some pros and cons:

* widely used (and thus widely understood)
* We won't need to invent our own style guide for the new admin. If you're 
developing a plugin or an extension and you're using the bootstrap styles, 
your thing willl mesh nicely with the rest of the admin.
* less.js has the distinct advantage of being easier to develop for than 
sass for our purposes.If we go with a less.js solution (like bootstrap), we 
might not need to require that all edits to admin "source" stylesheets 
(less/scss) come with the recompiled CSS. This lowers the barrier to 
contribution significantly, at the cost of a bit of site performance as 
less gets compiled client-side. That being said, the admin isn't supposed 
to be used as a a high-traffic site (or shouldn't be, I can't say how 
people abuse it).

* less has no equivalent to compass, which is chock full of reusable stuff.
* I'm already having a bit of a negative reaction to the ubiquity of the 
bootstrap "look" on the web. That being said, it's relatively easy to alter 
some styles, but then we make the job of 3rd party admin extenders harder, 
because they must deviate from the default bootstrap style to fit into the 

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