On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 12:25 AM, Harris Lapiroff
<harrislapir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The Django admin is a major—if not *the* major—selling point to
> budding developers. I worry that externalizing it (hence making it a
> *separate* piece of software that needs to be discovered and
> installed, which seems simple but can be quite a challenge to new
> coders) might take away Django's non-expert appeal. When I started
> using Django, I knew no python. The only reason I was able to make
> that work was because of the Django admin. If the admin gets kicked
> out, I think it should be made *very* obvious where to find one.

I agree with this sentiment. I think separating the admin into a
standalone app would be a step backward, at least at this point.

It strikes me that "the Django admin is hard for people to fork and
modify" is a symptom of something else, not a problem in itself. The
bigger problem is that our current development infrastructure
(Subversion/Trac) doesn't allow for easy forking workflow. We're going
to solve that with our move to Git/GitHub, which will make it much
easier for people to fork and much easier for core developers to
integrate contributions.

Before making any final judgment on separating the admin, we should
see how our community's move to GitHub goes. I'm suspecting the pain
points around forking will vanish at that point.

P.S. In case you haven't heard about the GitHub move, here's a blog
post you should read: http://www.holovaty.com/writing/back-to-django/
ETA is sometime soon after we launch 1.4.


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