Hi Daniel,

On 03/15/2012 09:24 AM, Daniel Sokolowski wrote:
> Why can we not just increase the length limit on the username field?,
> Why can't we just throw a validation error if data entered is to long
> and the schema has not been updated? I think the answer yes we can and
> easily.

I don't mean to pick on you specifically, but to me this is an excellent
example of a casual assertion of something we can "easily" do that
doesn't hold up under real examination (for instance, if you tried to
write the patch to actually do it).

How do you propose to "throw a validation error" if "the schema has not
been updated"? How do we know whether it's been updated? Are you
proposing that Django should introspect the users database table every
time it starts up in order to check the length of the username field?
Where would you put this introspection check? Have you considered the
effects this would have on every user of contrib.auth (both those who do
and don't run the schema migration)? And the effect on Django
development (needing to run the tests with both an "old" and "new" table
to ensure that the backwards-compatibility handling is tested?)


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