On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Yo-Yo Ma <baxterstock...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why does every conversation about Django's performance met with "GTFO we 
> don't care"? (that was a rhetorical question :).

Ok - If this is where the conversation is starting, it's going to go
downhill *very* fast.

Consider this a warning to *everyone* on this thread: we expect *all*
participants to maintain a civil and professional tone. Anyone
engaging in ad hominem attacks, straw man arguments, or any other sort
of offensive behaviour will be banned from posting. I'm not directing
this at anyone in particular - yet. But this is the second thread in a
week that has started down this path, and I want to make the rules
*absolutely* clear before anything gets out of control.

Back to the topic at hand:

We are interested in any concrete proposal that serves to improve
Django's performance.

However, we have no interest in optimisations for the sake of beating
some arbitrary benchmark score.

In addition, any claim that Django is "too slow" for practical
purposes is *demonstrably* false. There are *thousands* of sites in
production that are quite happily using Django. Many of them are
*very* large sites, serving *enormous* amounts of traffic. So, let's
dispense with the hyperbole that implies Django performance is so bad
it is only suitable for toy sites.

That said - could Django be faster? Sure. *Anything* can be improved.

So, if you've got a suggestion, make it. If you think URL resolving is
the source of the problem, propose a way to improve the speed of URL
resolvers. If you think the template language is the problem, propose
a fix.

And don't just say "Why are Django's URL resolvers slow?". Do some
profiling, and come back with an analysis of where the time is being
spent and/or wasted. Come up with a proposal for how Django's URL
resolvers could be made pluggable so that you can swap in a faster
resolver as an option.

We'll happily discuss concrete suggestions. We won't engage in fishing

Russ Magee %-)

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