----- Original Message -----
> From: emnin...@riseup.net
> Is there a link to an instruction how to use (and setup) openrc
> together with sysvinit?
> I'd like to use openrc as a tool to administrate daemons and services
> since i find it a lot more "logical" (easy?). One question for example
> is, if can be used the (needed) openrc scripts from other distros (like
> Gentoo or Manjaro)? To form them on my one, i think that's far away
> from my capabilities ...

Here is a good link which explains OpenRC on Funtoo.  I'm not sure how
a Devuan implementation would differ.


One section that I think is very interesting:

The magic of conf.d

Most init scripts need default values. It would be fragile to explicitly 
source some arbitrary files. By convention runscript will source the 
matching file in /etc/conf.d/ for any script in /etc/init.d/

So you can set random startup-related things easily. Example:


START_OPTS="--extraparameter sausage"


start() {
        /usr/sbin/foo-daemon ${STARTOPTS}

The big advantage of this split is that most of the time editing of the 
init script can be avoided. 

This says to me that the scripts in /etc/init.d could/should be 
standardized across distributions.  Customization happens in the 
/etc/conf.d directory.  

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