>Not sure why Paul Vixie wants to relegate my IPv6 address to third class 
>citizen that's
>not good enough to be a peer on the Internet for port 25. I'd ask him, but his 
>mail server
>refuses my email due to my ISPs lack of reverse IPv6 :p
>I'm all for anti-spam heuristics, but checking the reverse is simply a method 
>causing too many false positives, on top of punishing "early" adopters of IPv6

I'd suggest that "mild inconvenience for you" is not a synonym for
"too many false positives."  I've been running IPv6 on my server for
quite a while via a tunnel from HE, which includes the ability to
manage my own reverse DNS.  (Thanks!)  When I look at the logs, I see
precious few inbound connections with no rDNS that plausibly could be
anything other than a spambot or yet another compromised web host.

Every mail system in the world is reachable via IPv4 and will be for a
long time.  If your v6 setup isn't ready for prime time, it really isn't
anyone else's job to help you experiment.


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