Hi Tony,

> I have had my Ubuntu server for a week now, and I'm learning about
> apt-get and aptitude when installing various packages.  I have created
> hundreds of conflicts when I look at aptitude.

Do those conflicts exist or is aptitude merely showing you that they
would if it carried out what you're suggesting?  I'm not used to
aptitude's interactive display so could be off course here.  What does

    aptitude search '~b'

show?  It should list "Matches packages that are "broken":  they have an
unfulfilled dependency, predependency, breaks, or conflict" according to

If you do

    aptitude search '~c~i'

to list packages that conflict with any that are installed, are there
any that don't have a state flag of `p'?

> I notice that most of them are things like openssh conflicting with
> opensshi386 for example.  There may even be a third or fourth option I
> could choose to install when I expand the tree in aptitude, that have
> a similar package name.  How do I know which one is correct for me and
> what is the difference between xxxxxx and xxxxxxi386?

I thought the package names were openssh-client and openssh-server.

> is opening aptitude and navigating to a package the same as typing in
> apt-get install "package name"?

No, you're just browsing what's available AIUI, though as I said I don't
use aptitude interactively.  Only when you mark packages to be changed
in some way and then continue to carry out those changes do things

Cheers, Ralph.

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