On Sunday, 10 September 2017 18:01:50 BST Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> > There's a fair amount of work gone into configuring the system at the
> > moment and I'd rather not have to rebuild it if I don't have to.
> I didn't mean trash your existing SD card's content, but use a spare
> one.  :-)

:-)  I realised that.  It's what I'd have to do to get the clean installation 
to a fully working sumppi that I was referring to.

> I suppose the slaves could send their readings to the master to log
> centrally, then they wouldn't care what time it was.  :-)

The actual software that is monitoring the levels does that, but we want the 
logs so we can see what went wrong and when.  For example the electrics at the 
WMT are sadly in need of an overhaul and the power trips from time to time.  
It's useful to known when this happens, especially since the Pi features a 
fake hwclock which picks up from where it left off, which is useful, but 
confusing in these circumstances.  Probably more relevant to normal ops is 
knowing that the Butts pump cut out at the right time; when the butts were 
nearly full.


                Terry Coles

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