On Saturday, 24 February 2018 08:15:39 GMT Terry Coles wrote:
> I then went back to the suggestion made by Ralph a few days ago and captured
> the packets on the network when the WiFi connection was made.  In the
> event, I didn't use tcpdump because I also wanted to see what the exchange
> was when the system worked, ie, when I connected to a WiFi AP *with*
> Internet Access. Instead, I installed an Android App called 'Packet
> Capture', and used that; first with my home router and then by connecting
> to the WMT AP.  I got virtually identical exchanges each time,  Here is the

I decided to try tcpdump as suggested by Ralph, because I realised that the 
Android App was obfuscating the information.

I did two captures:

1.  Using my wife's Nexus 5 phone (Android 6), which connects to the WMT AP 
without complaint.

2.  Using my Moto G5+ phone (Android 7), which complains that the device has 
no Internet connection).

In each case, I started a stopwatch when I sent the tcpdump command on the Pi, 
and took a lap time when:

  a.  The Nexus showed a successful connection (approx 8 seconds).
  b.  The G5 put up the 'No Internet' dialogue (approx 16s).

I then continued capture for approx 1 minute.

Analysing the results in Wireshark, my limited skills allow me to see that 
both devices sent a GET /generate_204 to connectivitycheck.gstatic.com and got 
a '204 No Content' response a total of six times.  These GETs appear to 
continue even after the phone has accepted the AP in the case of the Nexus and 
complained about the AP with the G5.

I can't see anything else much in this capture to help, except that both 
phones seem to query a number of other sites and get refused of course because 
they are not in my DNS.  Strangely enough they seem to try an apple.com site!

(It should be noted that the sites that the phone tries seem to be a bit 
arbitrary; I've seen other google sites queried in other captures, including 
google.com and android.clients.google.com.) 

I've put both capture streams up on my website at:


If anyone with greater knowledge and experience than me could spare the time 
to have a look at these captures, I would appreciate it.


                Terry Coles

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