On Thu, 12 Jul 2018 07:14:05 +0100, Terry Coles wrote:
> > Given enough time to detect the captive portal, Windows 7 pops up
> > a
> > balloon from the taskbar suggesting that "Additional log on
> > information may be required", which opens a browser when clicked.
> Have you installed nodogsplash?  Just wondering how you know.

My main experience in this case is of a Three pay-as-you-go mobile 
broadband connection. When the credit runs out, the network activates 
a captive portal, which redirects to a message saying you've run out 
of credit and need to top up your account. This triggers Windows 7's 
sluggish pop-up bubble and Firefox's banner about signing in. I've 
never tried it with Android, but I'd expect it to trigger Android's 
browser too.

The same effect should occur on any captive portal, unless the captive 
portal is deliberately making itself hard to detect.

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