On Sunday, 17 June 2018 11:34:02 BST Terry Coles wrote:
> I have placed files showing yhe physical and software configuration at
> http://www.hadrian-way.co.uk/Misc/Pi_Router/.
> Simply put, the on-site Wi-Fi Antenna is acting as a DHCP server as well as
> an Access Point and is connected to the default Ethernet port (eth0) on the
> Pi. A USB / Ethernet Adaptor (eth1) then provides a link to the Office
> Router and the Internet.  This port obtains it's IP address automatically.
> Using information from various sources I've set up dhcpcd.conf, dnsmasq.conf
> and iptables to allow traffic to be routed between the two networks.  The
> problem is that when I plug the cable into eth0 nothing is routed to
> anywhere. As soon as I unplug it, the path to the Internet is restored.

It's been a while since I last posted. I had a number of problems, most of 
which I have 
now overcome and I also had a family holiday that got in the way.

In the end, I used dnsmasq to set up the DNS Server on the Pi and I removed all 
routing that I had set up using iptables commands because nodogsplash covers 
everything! In its config file.  I was able to allow only those protocols (UDP 
and TCP port 
53) that were needed to fool the phone into thinking it was on the internet 
prior to 
authentication and then port 80 and 443 to the Pi (combined Router and 
Webserver) to 
serve the content. It seems to work pretty well.

I now only have one problem (I hope). Before I started using nodogsplash, many 
of the 
Visitors were having to accept that our WiFi Access Point had no internet 
access before 
they could surf to our Home Page. This not very reliable and each version of 
behaved differently as related in my message of many months ago.  With 
the Visitor is presented with a Sign-on Page, which he has to read and then 
'Continue'.  This routes him to the original Home Page and thence to the 

On my wife's Moto G6 Plus (Android 8.0), this works well.  On my Moto G5 Plus 
7.0), the Home Page is too big and overflows the screen.  I suspect this is to 
do with the 
built-in webserver that nodogsplash uses, because if I surf to the Home Page 
nodogsplash disabled it works correctly.  I used nginx for the original content.

Any suggestions on how I can resolve this?


                Terry Coles
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