On 09/03/2019 10:58, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi Patrick,

I have got the impression from these messages that Tim might be quite
enjoying the cat and mouse game
A motivator attacker seems prefereable to a consuming CC#2.  :-)

and so going straight for the 'nuclear option' of RADIUS might spoil
the fun!
True.  It occurred to me that Draytek may already provide a RADIUS
server, and Google says they do,
https://www.draytek.co.uk/support/guides/kb-internal-radius, but it's
behind a registration-wall so I read no further.

I had in mind suggesting using IpCop on a spareĀ  computer between the router 
and the network, but see that it has not been updated since 2015, and the last 
item in the press for it was 2010.


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