On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 08:48, Terry Coles <d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk> wrote:

> However, only one of these machines could possibly be run 24/7 and
> unfortunately that's the ancient laptop.

I only run mine for about 15-16 hours a day.

> What  happens to the calculations with these tools if the host is
> shut-down for the
> night?  Is everything lost, only the current calculation lost or do they
> cache
> the partial result and carry on from there?

It's all fine, they're built to be pretty resilient to that sort of thing.
I do see the completion ETA fluctuate wildly after switch-on, but really I
should stop staring at the stats and get on with work anyway :-)

> BTW.  What are the benefits of running these tools in a container as
> opposed to
> just installing them?

Just convenience really. I don't like to install anything 'bare' on the
system and much prefer everything to be containerized, so that I know
exactly what's on it and can recreate it if needed. Speaking of which...

Anyone who is not an ansible geek like me can stop reading here. :-)

FWIW I used this ansible snippet to make the container itself:

- name: folding@home client is running
    recreate: true
    image: "{{ folding_image_name }}"
    name: fahclient
    state: started
    published_ports: 7396:7396
      - "{{ folding_mnt }}:/tmp:Z"
    restart_policy: always
  tags: [foldingathome]

Here, folding_image_name is quay.io/redhat-emea-ssa-team/fahclient-container
and folding_mnt is the mount-point on the logical volume I made for it to
store whatever it needs (not strictly necessary, I just like to know what's
stored where).

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