On Monday, 23 March 2020 16:47:37 GMT Tim Waugh wrote:
> In case you haven't seen stories about this elsewhere, I thought I'd share
> a couple of projects which may help us all out of this mess by harnessing
> otherwise-idle CPU/GPU time.
> https://foldingathome.org/covid19/
> http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/

Well I tried Folding at Home first (mainly because that was what Tim was 
using).  However, I ended up with dependency issues and the installation 
process wasn't straightforward either.

Initially, I checked my package manager but folding wasn't there, so I 
downloaded the three .deb packages on the Folding website.  I then attempted 
to install each of the three .deb packages in turn by clicking on them.  This 
launched the Qapt installer, which worked for the client, but not for the *all 
or viewer package.  When I tried installing in a console it turned out that 
apt couldn't find the package that I was trying to install, presumably because 
the directory wasn't on the PATH.  Once I fixed this, I found that the 
dependency python-gnome2 was missing.  Apparently that hasn't been in 
(K)Ubuntu since 18.04 and I'm running 19.10.  Your mileage will undoubtedly 
vary as our American cousins say.

I then decided that life was too short and installed  boinc from the package 
manager.  This is now running and the current task is expected to take 5 
hours.  All four cores (8 threads) are shown as running at 100% in KSysGuard; 
that might put my  son off running this.  Apart from that I am running the 
Rosetta@Home Biology task and according to the BOINC site they have been 
focusing on coronavirus since the 6th March.


                Terry Coles

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