On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 10:53, Terry Coles <d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk> wrote:

> dependency issues

(Oh yeah, this is another advantage of containers, in that the dependencies
all come with it...)

> I then decided that life was too short and installed  boinc from the
> package
> manager.  This is now running and the current task is expected to take 5
> hours.  All four cores (8 threads) are shown as running at 100% in
> KSysGuard;
> that might put my  son off running this.  Apart from that I am running the
> Rosetta@Home Biology task and according to the BOINC site they have been
> focusing on coronavirus since the 6th March.

Do you have the boinc-manager installed? There is a graphical interface,
where you can find Options → Computing preferences with inputs like:

Use at most [ 100 ] % of the CPUs
Use at most [ 100 ] % of CPU time
[x] Suspend when computer is on batter
[ ] Suspend when computer is in use

Further down there is also:

Request tasks to checkpoint at most every [ 60 ] seconds

which answers your question about how much work might be lost when
switching off.

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