On Monday, 15 February 2021 12:53:24 GMT Terry Coles wrote:
> To me it seems that the software suddenly starts ignoring interrupts because
> the command should be detected after no more than 1 second when apscheduler
> calls the command checking function which works fine up to that point.

I just realised that things aren't quite as I thought.  If I start the program 
with the Plylist Number set to zero, the Music Player doesn't start, as is 
expected.  If I then call next_playlist():

def next_playlist():
    global playlists, playlist_index
    playlist_index += 1                                  # Select the next 
Playlist Number
    if playlist_index > len(playlists):
        playlist_index = 1

    Status[9] = str(playlist_index)


 then the software behaves as if the player has already been run and freezes.

Presumably therefore, there is something in the underlying environment within 
the running code which isn't there when the program is launched, but is by the 
time the code is ready to process commands.


                Terry Coles

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