eBay rarely chastises their sellers.  The fancy listings that radiomart uses 
cost a bundle.  They probably make $400-500 a week from his listings.  The 
hapless buyer complaining about getting ripped off only interferes with ebay 
making money.  On the other hand, something interesting gets yanked by ebay 
without any reason or notice - if you put up for auction a blank sheet of paper 
for $5 they will yank it and give you a warning but if you put up for auction a 
fraudulently represented Drake R-4B they will give the buyer a warning not to 
complain! hi

The only serious buying I do is through swap.qth.net.  

73 Jason N1SU

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Turney 
  To: drakelist@www.zerobeat.net 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:22
  Subject: [drakelist] That e-bay shark....

  He obviously thinks he's really smart, but to me the serial number 
phraseology suggests that the plate on the chassis may or may not be the one 
that was on it when it left the factory.
  Used car salesmen have been known to switch them around, and that seems to be 
where his business model comes from. There's a big UK based camera dealer with 
the same 'ethics' - Presumably e-bay/Paypal make too much money out of them to 
care about their own reputation.

  All New Yahoo! Mail - Tired of [EMAIL PROTECTED]@! come-ons? Let our 
SpamGuard protect you.

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