
> > I also tried the OpenGL Tutorials by Nate Robins from
> > http://www.xmission.com/~nate/tutors.html. When I start it the
> second
> > or later time after a fresh Xserver start it doesn't fill the entire
> > window. I can see through in the bottom of the window of, e.g. the
> fog
> > tutorial and where there should be the grey background. When
> redrawing
> > certain parts like the top left torus in the lightmaterial tutor the
> > window isn't cleared first. I tried recompiling them with the
> correct
> > include and library paths (/usr/X11R6-mach64003/... for me) without
> > effect.
> hmm. I can't reproduce this one.  The drawing areas of the fog
> tutorial
> are briefly transparent when starting up, but is cleared to gray ok
> for
> me.  When you say the second time, does that mean that the first time
> you
> run the tutorial it looks ok?

One more experiment: I tried it with LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=TRUE and it
looks ok then. So the problem is probably related to hardware rendering.
ldd shows the correct library paths except /usr/lib/libglut.so.3 which 
is obviously not part of DRI. Could that be a problem?

Compiling the mach64-0-0-3 branch with standard compiler options, 
without 3DNow and against a XFree86-4.2 tree did not help.


                __\|/__    ___     ___     ___
__Tschüß_______\_6 6_/___/__ \___/__ \___/___\___You can do anything,___
_____Felix_______\Ä/\ \_____\ \_____\ \______U___just not everything____
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    >o<__/   \___/   \___/        at the same time!

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