
I also found this very strange, but i never complaint because the Horde Webmail  has a nice feature, called "Reply to List", that i use very often. Marcelo

  Quoting Christian Voelker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


as I am actively following the list these days
I am slightly annoyed with the header settings
of the list. I have got the feeling that they
are misconfigured as they are. Prove me wrong
if I havent got the list policy right, but that
is how it looks to me right now.

Other *discussion* lists (as opposed to *announce-
ment* lists) I am actively participating in have
the reply-to header set to the list address.
Dspace-tech does not have a reply-to header and
the from-line is not rewritten to the list address
(and should not be). I have searched the list
archive whether this had been discussed before
and I am really astonished that I couldnt find
anything and that everybody seems to be happy.

The result of a missing reply-to header is that
you have to use the reply-all function of your
mail client to answer back to the list, which
seems unnatural. In most cases, answers seem
to be sent in private mail as implied by the
missing header.

As of my perception, this makes the list *more*
noisy as required and renders the list archive
less useful. Let me explain.

If I answer simple questions that I feel capable
to answer properly right now to help others that
start using DSpace, I sometimes get replies such
as "thank you, but three others told me the same
before". So three people have spent time and
thought on helping beginners. What a waste.

These answers start to discourage me from answering
questions older then an hour or two, although I might
be one of the few people reading the list at that
time because I am living in the european "time gap"
between the user groups in Asia an America.

None of the three answers went to the list archive.
The same question will pop up on the list again
some days later. You cant simply point somebody
to the list archive as usual, because it does
not contain the knowledge present on the list.

If I see a disclosure triangle besides a new
post in the threaded view of my mailer, I dont
bother to answer or read a question unless I am
interested to learn about the subject myself.
Most questions seem to remain unheard though.
You dont know, whether they are or not. In some
cases, they get reposted on dspace-general, which
is the time you know that nobody took care of them.

Motivation to participate actively in a list might
be different, but sometimes philantropy and selfish-
ness come along with each other. Being visible on
the web in a list archive demonstrates a certain
level of knowledge and involvement. This could foster
a kind of competition to be the first to answer and
help every participant to get quick responses.

Last thing. When I forgot to hit reply-all, I
sometimes resend it to the list when I feel it
is worth it. Today I learned that this doesnt
cure the issue as intended. The answer is not
contained in the threaded view in the archive
then. I would have to reply with reply-all a
second time, copying the former answer to the
new message to retain the right message id.

I hope it was not too lengthy and boring. Please
tell me if I have misunderstood some basic concept
of this list.

Bye, Christian

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