Tom Hendrikx wrote:
> Steve wrote:
> Maybe it would make a nice point on the todo-list to look into a way to
> make sure that new users can get a new install up and running without
> too much hassle, even without a configuration utility or strong guidance
> /lots of work from their distro.
Hi Tom,

This is a subject I personally want to lead with Dspam (along with many 
others).   I started to use Dspam a few years ago, I had a bit of 
experience with *nix boxes ie I could compile a kernel, install software 
and read man pages but it took me weeks to get Dspam running and even 
then I wasn't confident of the options i'd chosen!  As a Dspam admin 
(but not a coder) I have a passion to fix this, but all resources have 
been focused on sorting the code base out and releasing 3.9.0.  Once we 
have this new release (and I promise the community that many of us are 
working really hard to make this happen) then we'll start looking at the 
docs, options and installation process for Dspam.   I want a good solid 
base (3.9.0) to work from first.

Kind regards,

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