Steve wrote:
Hello all

I would like to get some feedback from as many people as possible so I am 
asking here:

You as DSPAM user or as DSPAM admin: If you would have the chance to change or 
add anything to DSPAM, what would that be?

Or if you are not a DSPAM user jet and using something else: Why don't you use 
DSPAM? Why do you use something else? What function / feature would motivate 
you to switch to DSPAM?

And finally something else: Do you all know that DSPAM has a feature request page at 
SourceForge? ->

If you had in the past something you wanted to be included or built into DSPAM 
then now is the right time to request that. Now that the community is starting 
to take over DSPAM development it is the best time to bring in your request.

I mainly use DSPAM on small firm sites up to several hundred users and
up to few thousands mails/day, mostly with hash driver and configured as
shared,managed groups. My two cents of wish:

- Web UI display non-ISO8859-1 chars in From/Subject as garbage.
Resolve this probably lead to decode and save these fields in DSPAM
databases as UTF-8 and do not need be trivial..

- Web UI history should be allow optionally display "To:" field - this
option would be useful just in case managed groups, as it helps
group manager deciding.

- I'm not sure how it exactly works, but I have suspicion, that DSPAM
learning spam from non-US/non-ISO8859-1 is worse. We use ISO8859-2 and
cp1250, spam come in too from Russia and Far East, and I feel its
filtering isn't as successful as with ASCII/Latin1 spams.

I have some DSPAM RPM packages and .SPEC file on my site
when You would like use them or inspire from it, and I've some experience
with RPM packaging, when I may offer them.

Regards, Franta Hanzlik


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