No where did I imply that you said you would give up HF.  :)
Differing aspects of amateur radio have their place.  That's what makes 
it, in my opinion, the hobby I never grow tired of.
Been pounding brass for almost 47 years now. CW will still be here 47 
more years from now.
D-Star will most likely yield to something else - which fine and dandy.

CU on 160 this winter.

73, Jozef WB2MIC

On 9/2/2010 12 32 Hours, John Parkins wrote:
> Hello Jozef,
> Read the post. No where did I say I would give up HF in favour of
> D-Star, I said it's nice to have the option of either.
> When I want to sit in the garden and have a beer and a chat with
> someone on the other side of the world D-Star is the way to go. When I
> want to work DX then I go to the shack, fire up HF, put down the beer and
> concentrate.
> Thursday, September 2, 2010, 9:44:59 AM, you wrote:
> J>    D-Star, to me, will NEVER EVER, replace HF/SSB/CW and the thrill and
> J>  romance of being able to communicate with another human being without
> J>  any corporate infrastructure in-between. To give that up would be to
> J>  surrender to those that control the infrastructure. I am not about to
> J>  that, nor ever. D-Star is fun, fascinating, and useful. I like it. That
> J>  said, there will be that nag that always irritates about it that says I
> J>  am beholden to non-RF means to communicate. That is the nature of the
> J>  D-Star phenomenon. So, I will put up with the QRM and the QRN and make
> J>  those QSOs that actually require operator skill. For me, that is what
> J>  defines ham radio. D-Star just slightly refines it, and, degrades it at
> J>  the same time.
> J>  JOzef

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