
I appreciate where you are coming from.  I must say that while I enjoy D-Star 
and my internet-connected HotSpot, probably my favoriate activity is to take a 
small case with my Yaesu FT-817ND and my NUE-PSK PSK modem, along with a small, 
light 12v battery and a small portable vertical and go out to the fields and 
set up.  Now when I talk to people all over the US with my 3 watts and 
absolutely no infrastructure, including the power company, I really like that.  
Both SSB and PSK in this mode are sweet.

Well, I must admit to some infrastructure to charge the battery, though I have 
it on my wish list to get a portable solar panel for charging it.  With that, I 
could go for months without leveraging other resources for communications.

Now, when I'm home, I will sometimes crank up to about 600 watts with my modern 
stuff, or about 400 watts with my 1960 CE 100V with 1955 CE 600L and 1955 75A4. 
 I'll also use the power company's electricity, and I'll even hook into the 
internet with my D-Star gmsk node adapter HotSpot.  

There is no one better way to ham, no one best mode.  There is only what each 
of enjoys doing at some particular point in time.  With any kind of luck, we 
learn and grow, but coming back to the wonderful old stuff is fun too.

   Jim - K6Jm

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jozef 
  Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 1:44 AM
  Subject: Re: [DSTAR_DIGITAL] Re: Bit Rate?
  D-Star, to me, will NEVER EVER, replace HF/SSB/CW and the thrill and 
  romance of being able to communicate with another human being without 
  any corporate infrastructure in-between. To give that up would be to 
  surrender to those that control the infrastructure. I am not about to 
  that, nor ever. D-Star is fun, fascinating, and useful. I like it. That 
  said, there will be that nag that always irritates about it that says I 
  am beholden to non-RF means to communicate. That is the nature of the 
  D-Star phenomenon. So, I will put up with the QRM and the QRN and make 
  those QSOs that actually require operator skill. For me, that is what 
  defines ham radio. D-Star just slightly refines it, and, degrades it at 
  the same time.


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