Ok, I may be in Japan right now but I have to kick in on this thread.

First off, I had MCE enable the Cardbus in my 2400, and CardBus 
worked afterwards. That's about it. I wasn't terribly happy with the 
way the treated me on the phone and they didn't keep me updated when 
I requested that they did. I'll I asked was to be e-mailed with the 
tracking number when it was shipped, instead I had to waste mine and 
their time asking about it.

A few months ago when I figured out how to repair a bad clicker in 
the 2400, I shared how to do it. Some people aren't comfortable doing 
the repair them self, and I offered to do it for what I think is a 
reasonable price. I never keep how I do the repair secret. I want 
people to know what I'm doing. Heck, I sometime lose money on the 
repairs I make.

Same with the paint jobs for PowerBooks I'm offering. I share how I 
do it, and if anyone e-mail me with a question, I do my best to help.

My views, flame me if you want.

1- It is not wrong to share information on how to make a modification 
that someone else charges for. The way some people have been arguing 
on it subject makes it seem like if Company 'FooBar' charges to swap 
the hard drive in your 2400, no one should share how to do that to 
their 2400. That's stupid.

2 - MCE did not develop the CardBus activation technique, no way, no 
how. They just are offering to do the modification for those 
uncomfortable soldering to the board of their 2400 (like me) They 
don't have to share how they do it, but it would be nice if they did. 
The CardBus activation is all over the place on the web, however in 
Japanese. After looking at how to do it, I decided I should let 
someone else with the proper equipment for working on surface mount 
parts do it, like MCE.

3 - The CardBus activation can not be patented or trademarked, the 
best it can be is hidden as a trade secret, but once a trade secret 
is out, there is nothing that can be done about it. Example, it can 
be a trade secret as to how to put on your pants, but once its out 
there is nothing that can be done about it.

4 - Companys that do the CardBus activation, when asked if 'blah" is 
the right way to do it should confirm if it is right or wrong. If 
they come back and say 'no comment' I wouldn't trust them AT ALL.

Ok, with that off my chest, I'm back to being a tourist ... c'ya all in a week.
Peter Liethen   -   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -   http://www.liethen.com

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