It's clear that OH2AM is a club call and therefore Class C.
      call name address zip city class email 
      OH0B OH0R OH2R OH0AM OH2AM OH-DX-Ring Ry PL 73 02381 ESPOO   C

It's clear that the CEPT regulations does not include class C in their OH 
allowed CEPT users.
Appendix 2:

Gerry VE6LB
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Zack Widup 
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 5:00 PM
  Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] FJ Can of worms

  On Fri, 28 Dec 2007, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

  > A very interesting document.
  > I noticed that one item appeared to be missing... when the first complaints
  > surfaced, one of the "charges" was that of possibly illegal entry to FJ via
  > a privately chartered boat, as I recall.  No mention of that in the letter.
  > As a certain fictional television character used to say, "Fascinating."
  > The charge over the alleged misuse of the club callsign for the DXpedition
  > is probably the most serious complaint.  But as meticulous as Martti usually
  > is on planning his jaunts, I find it hard to believe that this detail was
  > overlooked.  And, of course, nobody's perfect, so it may have been a true
  > oversight on his part.

  I wondered about that myself.  As you said, "Fascinating!"

  > But... was a license issued, and if so, what call was on it?  If FJ/OH2AM
  > was on the license -- does that make the operation invalid?  I'm sure that's
  > one of the things the DXAC and DXCC desk will get to iron out, a task I
  > don't envy them.

  I was under the impression that as a CEPT country, anyone from another 
  CEPT country could just go there and operate.  I could just go and operate 
  as FJ/W9SZ.  The main contention seems to be now about the callsign used 
  after the "FJ/".

  > Having said that... I've got to tell you, gang, that this is one of a string
  > of disturbing precedents that we've seen over the last few years.  Sort of a
  > DX'ing version of NIMBY.  Recall all the complaints from the HP hams over
  > the H8A trip a few years back, for one (specifically over the actual call on
  > the license)?  And there have been others along the same lines, which many
  > of you know much more about than I ever will.
  > I can't blame some of the resident FJ hams from feeling that their triumph
  > got trumped, that their own plans to "inaugurate" the new entity in their
  > own way got pulled out from under them.  Under similar circumstances, I
  > might feel the same way.  But whatever happened (I ask rhetorically) to good
  > sportsmanship?
  > 73, ron w3wn

  So where are they?  Why aren't they doing a similar operation when they 
  know how much in demand the entity still is?

  73, Zack W9SZ

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