>Well, I don't agree.
>Imagine someone wants to pay $100 for a product with e-gold.  To 
>purchase e-gold they have to pay anywhere from 18% (CC) to 5% 
>premium, already they are at a loss of $5 to $18. Now they pay their 
>merchant with e-gold.  The merchant received e-gold, and knows that 
>etc etc...


there will be hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of e-gold 
activity - spends - in the time between your email and this one

E-gold could not be any more successful, its a mega-hit, a hyper-hit, 
it has grown from nothing to the stats seen above in a couple years, 
it is growing geometrically with no boundary in sight.

You are describing above a "payment system".

So, Biff is sitting at home and he wants a book which costs twenty bucks.

Biff finds a way to buy e-gold .. he buys 20 odd bucks worth, paying 
say $22.  Perhaps he pays by check - he mails the check to someone 
who cashes it, and then pays Biff the egold.  Finally Biff sends the 
egold to the bookseller.  The bookseller finds a way to sell the 
egold for USDs .. etc ..

The word for all this is ... "insane" :)

Why?  You'd just send the check to the bookseller.

e-gold is not a "payment system", it is "money itself"

many of my clients PAY me in e-gold.  in fact, most of my employees 
demand to be paid in egold.  When I buy stuff, I very often pay for 
it using egold.  A business will say to me "hey, its 20 grams for 
those DOMs" and I pay using egold.  I own business (eg 
http://bananagold.com) that generate e-gold as profits. (Well maybe 
one day profits! :) )  And so on.

These days when someone offers to pay me for something with USD, I 
find it annoying and my thought is "I suppose, well how can I get rid 
of these USD and get some e-gold to meet this month's expenses"

e-gold *is* a money, Adam, it's another currency like USD or CAN, 
that's the key.


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