> > The problem is that nobody is really in that business... e-gold are
> > ones who stand to benefit most from increased usage, and they seem
to do
> > precisely nothing in terms of trying to promote usage.
> >
> ...
> Unless you count giving away half the spend fees, etc....IOW, BS!

Well JMR, I appreciate that this program might cost e-gold quite a bit
of money but frankly the referral fees we get are negligible and do not
make any difference one way or the other to any promotion I do for
e-gold. I promote e-gold to people because I like it.

The only people I can imagine might get substantial benefit from the
referral program are the operators of ponzis and HYIPs. Correct me if I
am wrong, anybody...

What I would much prefer (and happily pay a bit extra for) is to see
e-gold providing a faster turnaround time on queries and having someone
who is prepared to make public comments on non-technical issues. Take
the question of audits for example: as you know, people frequently ask
perfectly reasonable questions on this list and the only person who ever
replies is you, and you always say you don't know, can't comment etc

But I think e-gold could really take off in a big way if you would only
hire a full time PR person who goes out there actively targeting
e-businesses and persuading them to accept e-gold. That need not even
cost e-gold anything in the long run. That person's salary could easily
be paid by using the existing progeny system. But they would obviously
need some official authority to go out there and say they were
representing e-gold, and probably some financial backing to get started.

Best regards,

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