The existence of many good and rewarding jobs outside academia - in
federal agencies (EPA, NOAA, FWS, USGS, FDA etc.) as well as in state
agencies, the private sector (e.g. consulting firms) and non-profits
(environmental groups) or for those who love teaching, teaching in K-12
seems to be ignored in this discussion.

> If we agree that jobs for ecologists are resource limited, and
> If we agree that resources are not increasing,
> then it follows that ecologists who wish to produce intellectual offspring
> (MS and PhD) should produce such offspring in a way that maximizes the
> probability that they will be represented in the next generation's career
> 'gene pool'.
> If ecologists believe the current job market is competitive, they should
> reproduce like albatrosses, maximizing their investment in a very few
> highly competitive offspring with a wide array of attractive skills
> (K-slection).
> If they believe the current job market is essentially a crap shoot, then
> they should spawn like salmon, investing little or nothing, with
> subsequent
> massive mortality, and only a few offspring surviving (r-selection)
> The present situation seems to be more salmonid in an albatross
> environment
> with considerable human carnage. What can be done?
> Individuals can look into other fields but that means giving up a dream
> and
> acquiring more debt if they go back to school to retrain. If they stay,
> they risk remaining on the outside of academic/professional leks,
> opportunistically exploiting irregular and marginal rewards. They can
> teach, becoming contingent faculty, a growing national scandal where
> untenured faculty with precarious teaching positions may rely on food
> stamps to get by. If they have a large debt from student loans, they will
> end up taking just about any job that allows them to make their monthly
> repayments.
> The long term solution is a ZPG for ecologists: professors should
> essentially only reproduce themselves. Some may reply that they need
> 'excess' grad students as teaching assistants. In reality these positions
> could be filled and better taught by what are now contingent faculty. Make
> these better paid, give them a heavier load than one or two classes a
> semester and provide five-year contracts that would give them with more
> security.  Faculty should not admit grad students unless they can be fully
> supported by fellowships.
> With fewer degrees each year, agencies might consider increasing the
> number
> of independent post docs that are long enough to be useful (5 years?) to
> allow people to develop. Funders should be prepared, if they fund projects
> with interns, to fund them at a living wage. Funding agencies should also
> support programs that support those in overcrowded fields who wish to
> retrain for teaching or health fields. We make a big point of wanting more
> people to enter the STEM fields, maybe we need to think more about how to
> retain them.
> David Duffy
> On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 10:57 AM, David L. McNeely <>
> wrote:
>> ---- Kevin Klein <> wrote:
>> > I haven't been able to follow the entire thread but one thing I draw
>> from
>> > what I have read is that it is incumbent on those of us who work with
>> > students at all stages in their academic careers to also advise them
>> to
>> > consider the job market in their chosen disciplines.  In so doing,
>> they
>> > make more informed decision and they study with eyes open wide on the
>> > possibilities open to them at the next stage in their life and career
>> > journey.  Much easier said than done.  It reminds me of two PhD
>> markets
>> in
>> > recent years.  One, where hundreds of applicants vied for the reported
>> 2
>> or
>> > 3 job openings that year and second the hundreds of positions open for
>> the
>> > 2 or 3 PhD candidates graduating each year.  Hopefully we advise our
>> > students of the job market realities.  One place a student might look
>> for
>> > this information can be found here.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> Hmmm.... .  I was an academic biologist for 35+ years, after the time
>> spent preparing.  I cannot recall a time when there were "hundreds of
>> positions open for 2 or 3 Ph.D. candidates graduating each year."  I do
>> recall a good many times when the opposite was true.
>> David McNeely
> --
> Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit
> Botany
> University of Hawaii
> 3190 Maile Way
> Honolulu Hawaii 96822 USA
> 1-808-956-8218

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