El día Thursday, April 03, 2008 a las 12:42:45PM +0200, Matthias Schneider 

> > no add-onn software (like OPAL, Ekiga) install in FreeBSD stuff below
> > /usr/lib, only below /usr/local; this is the common rule in FreeBSD;
> Hmm, strange, on Linux (as far as I know) stuff that comes with the 
> distribution
> goes to /usr/lib, i.e. opal and ptlib if they come with the distro. Isnt it
> similar on freeBSD?

No, only the core system installs libs into /usr/lib; what you add from
the ports collection install all in /usr/local/... 
things are more clean on FreeBSD :-)

> Actually no harm is done checking in /usr/lib, so I would prefer to keep this
> check without a define...

it's up to the maintainer of the source, i.e. not me, but in FreeBSD it's
definitely the wrong place to look for shared objects of PTLib or OPAL;

Matthias Apitz
Ekiga-devel-list mailing list

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