Practice, practice, and then practice some more. I used to furl my eyebrows 
when some Elmer-types said this to me but they were right. Start off 
w/slow-code QSO's and just keep puttin' them in the bank. You won't even notice 
as your proficiency will slowly but surely rises. Trust me on this, there are 
plenty of folks that are truly patient and will hang in there and match 
whatever speed is most comfortable for you.

Re. the reading, I felt (and still feel at times) the same way. I made a 
conscious decision to put my pen down and just listen. It may be tough at first 
but it might also surprise you how you start to pick out phrases like "name hr 
is," "nice to meet u," "rig hr is," or tnx fer call," etc... I've just started 
jotting down little details to help me when it's my go. BTW, it you miss the 
QTH, just listen for the comma and concentrate on the next two 
characters...they're usually enough. Best of luck to you es vy... ;-) 

73 de Bert

I'm on 7040 kHz every AM at approx. 0830z and most eves. at 0100z. I'll QSO 
w/you every night until you're comfy. I'm QRP, but don't let the pond between 
us fool you, it can be done. 

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Bartlett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:26 pm
Subject: [Elecraft] CW

> Hi all,
> I've mumbled on about this on a couple of occasions on several lists.
> I'm trying to bring my Morse up to an acceptable standard.
> I've tried a number of approaches but so far nothing seems to work 
> for me.
> Oddly, I can send at modest speeds but seem to be almost 
> completely unable
> to read incoming.
> My nice K2 is sitting forlornly at the back of the bench.
> Any suggestions?
> Paul
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