EricJ wrote:
 Come on, Vic. Where is a CW operator going to set up? Are they going to set
up some place like the Superdome with all that pandemonium? Are they going
to walk around operating HF with 10' poles sticking out of their back pocket
like W0RW/PM? It just doesn't make sense when a ham on foot with a pocket
sized HT on VHF communicating through a repeater or an on site dual band
VHF/UHF mobile rig acting as a repeater can move fast, stay safe and get the
message through using clear, clean FM.

And if there are hundreds of people trying to tell their relatives that they're alive? The operator will have to pass names, addresses, and phone numbers using phonetics (well, not the phone numbers).

Hams were not allowed in early-on because the situation on the ground was
just not safe even for rescue personnel. Angry people, violence, shoot-outs.
How's an HF CW guy going to deal with that?

How does FM make it easier to deal with?

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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