First a disclaimer: I don't own a Flex radio (and it is a radio) The closest I've come is using an LP Pan on the i-f output of a K3, which I do own.

But this argument is simply nonsense. If the radio breaks---they actually do you know---you're (note spelling) off the air too.

And try as I might, I can't see Internet spots on my K3, nor can I use it to keep my banking records, write email, do antenna modeling, etc. For this I still need a computer. And believe it or not, that same computer is connected to my K3 and I would be lost without it. I don't want to go back to my BC-342 and crystal-controlled 6L6, which some still think are the only "real" radios. Time marches on...try to keep up.

Wes  N7WS

 3/10/2015 6:04 AM, Kevin Stover wrote:
The plain and simple fact is that if you have a Flex you are dependent on the computer you are running.
Computer breaks, and of course they do, your (sic) off the air. SIMPLE.
I read the minimum requirements to run the 6000 series. Half of the PC's in use by Hams won't cut it.

Minimum, Windows Vista SP2, Dual Core 64 bit processor, Video card 256 MB memory, Direct X 10 or higher ,Net 4.0 or higher. Those are minimums. You can probably run SmartSDR with that but if it's like most software it will run like crap on it's minimum requirements.

SDR's like the K3 aren't dependent on any other piece of hardware or software.
You can run it and it will perform well without ever being hooked up to a PC.

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