The lineup here is: 2.7 & 1.9 for ssb, 500/8pole and 200/5pole for cw. I'm seldom on ssb, 95%+ on cw, so can't say anything useful for the first two filters. I use both of the cw filters as conditions and circumstances dictate. The 500cps filter is first choice and does most of the work here. The 200cps filter is great for contest S&P in conjunction with an LPan panadapter as well as for very weak signals. While the DSP is undoubtedly doing the heavy lifting, I've got myself convinced that the 200cps filter does help when called upon.


On 9/28/2015 14:57, dw wrote:
Hello gang,
Just ordered my first K3.
I haven't ordered any filters or accessories yet.
Want to wait and see what I really will need.

I'd like to illicit your experience with the use of crystal filters for
What filter do you find you use the most and why?
I won't be using the K3 for contesting....just casual CW-only DXing and
occasional rag-chews.
Of late, I've really enjoyed getting on 40m and 30m at sunrise.

Many thanks in advance
N1BBR :-]

Robert G Strickland, PhD ABPH - KE2WY
Syracuse, New York, USA
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