Ken Kopp wrote:
And they wouldn't accept my 20 WPM Radiotelegraph ticket
for my 20 WPM extra!  But by then it was a snap.

They did accept mine in Los Angeles in 1956 ... well sort of. I was sort of rattled going for my Extra and got to the FCC several hours before the exam. The examiner [nice but likely expecting a little more maturity than the 16 yr old possessed] said, "I'm giving the 2d Telegraph. Fill out the app and take the code. If you pass, I'll give you credit for the 20 for the Extra this afternoon." I did, I passed, and he did. He also told me I had nothing to lose by taking the 2d written. I passed -- exactly. I didn't get credit for that in the afternoon, but I passed the Extra written by a slightly larger margin.

Apparently the FCC was enamored with the Colpitts oscillator in those days ... I too had to draw the circuit, and then answer a couple of questions about its characteristics.

Here's a tip, BTW ... many can write faster when copying CW
by using longhand.

I'm a genetic southpaw who was required to learn to write right-handed in public school. As a result, I couldn't write legibly with either hand and still can't. The nice examiner looked at my paper, said, "Why don't you print this out below each line for me," I did, and he passed me. I think it all depends on who the examiner was and maybe what kind of day he was having.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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