On Friday, September 16, 2016 at 6:07:42 PM UTC+1, Erik Lott wrote:
> Rupert, here is a high level overview of how we currently structure our 
> elm SPAs:
>    1. Top layer: This layer manages routing, page changes, and page 
>    resource loading, and current user state
>    2. Page layer: These are individual pages - typically one page for 
>    each url. There may be deeper levels of widgets/views within each 
>    page, but we don't have pages nested within pages.
> When the top layer is notified of a page change (this mechanism can vary 
> from app to app), it first communicates with the backend server to load any 
> resources that are needed to display that page. If the resource load 
> succeeds, the page is displayed by changing the 'currentRoute' to the new 
> routing state, and providing the loaded resources to the new page. If the 
> load fails, however, you can check the http error to determine why. If 
> you're received a 401 failure, you can quickly change to your "login route" 
> and ask the user to login.
> Keep in mind that method allows you to catch and mange http errors that 
> occur during page transitions, and not from http requests made from within 
> a page. We're fine with that tradeoff, because 99% of the time, you'll only 
> need to catch 401 during page transitions anyways.
> Hopefully that helps.

Very enlightening thanks.

What about POSTs from pages? For example, I have a page which shows user 
accounts (to an admin), and will also allow a new user account to be 
created. It would seem natural to POST the new account from within that 
page. Or do you do that from the top-level too? 

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