Matt <> writes:

> ... Aside from permission, any code we
> insert needs to be correct. For example, a shebang would need to point
> to the correct application and any arguments would need to correspond
> to the implementation being called. I doubt we'd need anything beyond
> /bin/<shell>. FWIW, it looks like there's been at least one instance
> where :shebang's formatting was questioned
> (

It is a problem, but I am not sure how useful it is to solve the line
numbering there. A bigger problem is that errors *Org Babel Error
Output* are not clickable:

#+begin_src bash
and you will get
------ *Org Babel Error Output* ---------
bash: line 1: cdf: command not found
[ Babel evaluation exited with code 127 ]

Clicking on "line 1" will yield file opening dialogue.

However, there is yet another problem revealed when we try

#+begin_src bash :cmdline bash

: /tmp/babel-47DarV/sh-script-vkbRfJ: line 2: cdf: command not found

There is no *Org Babel Error Output* buffer at all.

So, it looks like we may need an alternative `org-babel-eval' function
that works with script files rather than input and arranges
stdout/stderr separation.

> We'd also need to control for what environment the script runs in.
> That was another issue I saw raised in the list
> ( Of
> course, we'd need to read the stdout and stderr. This is handled by
> =process-file=. Any step I missed or some kind of failure I didn't
> consider?

Valid concern. We should reuse `process-file' in this scenario as well,
but utilizing its ARGS argument + arrange to generate the temporary
script file in the appropriate context - see `make-nearby-temp-file'.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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