
[ ... ]

>>> Here's another of my pet-griefs
>>> - a
>>> - b
>>> | → M-RET will give me an itme 
>>> | → M-RET will give me a headline
>>> Why is the behavior a function of amount of whitespace/newlines to
>>> nearest element?  This makes not sense to me and goes against what I
>>> want, namely act in accordance to element at point. . .
>> Blank lines belong to the element at point above.
>> In particular, number of blank lines is meaningful in plain lists and
>> footnote definitions (2 blank lines mark the end of the element). In
>> the first line, you're still in the list, in the next one, you're not
>> anymore, hence the behaviour.
>> Think about
>>   - a
>>   - b
> /I/ know why it does what it does.  But how about the guy who's been
> using Org for five minutes?  Even knowing the technical/syntax reason, I
> do not find this to be "predictable, and meaningful"—especially in my
> initial example, less so when separating items by two lines.

Just to add to that side thread:

I too fall regularly into that and have to undo, add more newlines and hit
M-RET again.  I have been using orgmode for quite some time and still
this is not 'predictable' for me.


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