On Thursday 12 February 2015 12:49 PM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
Aloha Vaidheeswaran,

This is an odd example that I don't recall having seen in any
publication.  I don't doubt examples might exist, but don't remember
having seen one.  Can you point me to a real-world example of a footnote
referring to a subsequent footnote that I might reference either on-line
or in my local library?

I am OCRing this book:
http://wenshuchan-online.weebly.com/uploads/9/4/8/2/9482304/chan-and-zen-teachingpdf.pdf. This book is atleast 50 years old.

You can find the converted files here:

The actual text extract goes something as below. I am attaching the scanned image of the book in question.


# page 159

Now they saw uncountable and limitless numbers of living beings in the
universe[fn:145-1] and wondered when all these beings could be saved
and how they could obtain the Buddha fruit since the universe would
never be emptied of these beings.

# page 169


'Subhuti, what do you think? If someone filled the Universe[fn:155-4]
with the seven treasures[fn:155-5] and gave them all as alms, would
his merit be great?’

Subhuti replied: 'Very great, World Honoured One. Why? Because this
merit is not the nature of merit, the Tathagata says it is

‘Subhuti, if on the other hand, someone received and kept even a four
line stanza of this sutra and expounded it to others, his merit would
surpass that (of the giver of treasures). Why? (Because), Subhuti, all
Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this
sutra. Subhuti, the so-called Buddhas and Dharmas are not real Buddhas
and Dharmas.'[fn:155-7]


[fn:145-1] Literally ‘the great trichiliocosm’. See footnote 4, p. 169.[fn:155-4]

[fn:155-4] Tri-sahasra-maha-sahasra-loka-dhatu=a great
trichiliocosm. Mt. Sumeru and its seven surrounding continents, eight
seas and ring of iron mountains form one small world; 1,000 of these
form a small chiliocosm; 1,000 of these small chiliocosms form a
medium chiliocosm; 1,000 of these form a great chiliocosm, which
consists of 1,000,000,000 small worlds. The word ‘universe’ is used
for convenience sake.

All the best,

Vaidheeswaran<vaidheeswaran.chinnar...@gmail.com>  writes:

On Thursday 12 February 2015 02:42 AM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
It does, e.g., when exporting to LaTeX. This is an odt limitation.  So,
I disagree, `org-export-footnote-first-reference-p' is correct here.

Let me put my question this way:

What changes need to be made in ox.el and/or ox-odt.el so that the
snippet I shared produces the right XML acceptable for LibreOffice.

text1 [fn:1]

text2 [fn:2]

[fn:1] footdef1[fn:2]

[fn:2] footdef2

For purposes of ODT backend, we need to find the 'site of first
reference' THAT IS OUTSIDE OF A foonote definition.  Would it be
possible for you to augment the API so that I can request such a

NOTE: The XML that is emitted by the ODT exporter, suggests that the
'[fn:2]' occurring in '[fn:1]' is treated as site of first
reference. We would like to make '[fn:2]' occurring next to 'text2' be
treated as the site of first reference.  If we do that, everything
will be just right.

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