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On 6/10/2013 5:05 PM, David Bagby wrote:
> Yep, that link shows Pololu A4988 drivers - right? The K9 board has
> sockets to plug 4 of them right onto the board. We only put 4, not
> 5 on the board (I'm hoping the 5 is just what what was in the link
> you had) - we were thinking X,Y,Z & an extruder. Steve gets the
> credit for including that socket interface on-board. The 1AB & 2AB
> output lines are taken to term strips on the board.

Excellent!  If you've got headers for the Pololu drivers I should be
able to just plug in my printer and get it to move.  Actual printing
would depend on the heater and thermistor inputs, but could probably
be managed w/o too much hassle.

Only 4 motors are needed to print (XYZ and A, or E for Extruder if
you're from the RepRap world).  The fifth is for a second extruder for
support material, or some folks are actually doing multicolored prints.

> Give me a little bit and I'll select the BBB P8/P9 pins to output
> signal mappings and ship the info to you directly (since the list
> strips attachments). I hope you don't mind an excel spread sheet as
> that's what the data is in.  If that format doesn't work, tell me
> what does and I'll see what I can do.

A spreadsheet is fine.  I should be able to send you a basic HAL
configuration and dts file once I get the pinout.

- -- 
Charles Steinkuehler
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