semi-related, since this is using an Arduino:

the upcoming HAL messaging featureset which will replace NML will use protobuf 
as serialisation vehicle; other than NML this is not restricted to userland 
components; in fact I have HAL components in place which directly understand 
and generated protobuf messages; even in kernel. This was a key step to get rid 
of message transcoding and related warts, like The RT component 
protobuf support uses nanopb for this which is actually targeted for embedded 
systems and has minimal prerequisites.

see, and

You'll notice this adds a protobuf copability even to AVR controllers, and I 
dont think this is limited to AVR's.

What this means is: in the future we will be able to use a single message 
format end-to-end (different from what we have now), significantly simplifying 
things and taking out an unnecessary source of bugs

for instance you could have the following flow:

userland code, say Python, generates a protobuf message and passes this to a 
HAL driver
assume that HAL driver talks SPI to an arduino
there is _no_ transcoding needed along the path; the arduino can understand the 
same message encoding used in userland code perfectly fine, and reply with a 
locally generated message which will again be perfectly understood if received 
by, say, the Python userland code.

this gets rid of the need to reinvent wire formats when talking to outboard 
microcontrollers - single encoding, everything is end-to-end, no intermediate 
massage needed.

- Michael
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