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On 6/10/2013 2:38 PM, David Bagby wrote:
> If you have any specific pinouts setup already, I can help with 
> crafting a hal_pru_generic configuration that will match up with
> your board.  The HAL configuration is _hopefully_ easy to
> understand, but there's currently no documentation beyond the
> source code (it's on the list, and will get done prior to the next
> SD card image release).
>> Here's an idea: How about we target making your existing stuff
>> run with the K9 in a configuration that would drive your
>> printer? That sounds like a good target to aim at.

If you want to do it that way, I'll need something I can plug my
stepper drivers into.  They're not like "big iron" with wires and
such, they're just little circuit boards (about the size of an SD
card) that plug onto the interface board.  Here's an eBay posting with
some good pictures...the stepper drivers are the 5 small boards in the
lower-left of the main image, next to a USB jack on the Arduino which
gives a sense of scale:


>> I can create a BBB signal chart to make a HAL from for the K9. If
>> you'll tell me what all you need for signal for the printer (I
>> know the basic 4 axes S&D,  but I'm uncertain what you need for
>> other IO and analog in/out). I'll take a crack at a pin
>> assignment that works with the default K9 firmware load, your BBB
>> pru stuff and a matching device tree - With a bit of luck we
>> could get your printer running from a K9 at Wichita.
>> That's a lot of ducks to line up, but what the heck - seems worth
>> a shot.

It's a bit hard to say without seeing your board, but to me it seems
focused more on traditional LinuxCNC applications, with 25-pin
parallel port connections.  Is this correct?

If so, I can quickly whip up a HAL configuration file for my PRU code
and make a device tree overlay to setup the pin multiplexing if you
can get me map between the BeagleBone header pins and the desired

...but it will be hard to hook a 25-pin port to my 3D printer.

- -- 
Charles Steinkuehler
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