> I think that, for a standalone UI, the instructions here should be sufficient:
> http://faq.pygtk.org/index.py?req=show&file=faq22.002.htp

I tried to translate my custom side panel for axis interface using 
instructions you linked me to.

I played with commands like these:

intltool-extract --type=gettext/glade arrow.glade
LANG=ru_RU msginit

xgettext -k -kN_ --from-code UTF-8 -o arrow_ui.pot arrow.glade.h
msginit -i arrow_ui.pot -l ru_RU
# translate .po file
poedit ru.po
mkdir -p locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
msgfmt ru.po -o locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/arrow_ui.mo
LC_ALL=C LANG=ru LANGUAGE=ru_RU gladevcp_demo arrow.glade

But I don't know what to do with it next.
I am running linuxcnc with a command, for example:
LC_ALL=C LANG=ru LANGUAGE=ru_RU linuxcnc arrow.ini

> To integrate into the overall LinuxCNC ranslation scheme might be more
> difficult.

Is this the case?

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