I wish to make two points:


1.      Kirchoff’s Current Law states that the sum of currents entering a node 
equals the sum of currents leaving the node.  The Law applies to summation of 
leakage (touch) currents (e.g., through a 2,000-ohm resistor) and to summation 
of protective conductor currents (through 0 ohms).  In a power strip protective 
grounding conductor, I’m assuming 0 ohms to ground, so the current is slightly 
higher (1 to 10 % depending on the leakage current limit and the voltage you 
are using) in the protective grounding conductor than leakage (touch) current. 


See IEC 60990 for touch (leakage) current and protective conductor current 
measurement procedures.  


2.      A GFCI measures the current difference between line and neutral 
conductors, not current in the protective conductor.  It nominally operates at 
5 mA.  We assume (with a reasonable degree of accuracy) that leakage (touch) 
current is 100% of the differential current measured by the GFCI.  It is 
possible, although unlikely, for some of the GFCI differential current to find 
another return path than the protective grounding conductor.

Best regards,




From: Lfresearch Jose <000000734758d943-dmarc-requ...@listserv.ieee.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [PSES] High Touch Current and GFCIs


I have wondered about something similar.


If I use a 6 way power strip, I’m assuming all the leakage currents for 
anything plugged in sum. Is that correct? I recall getting a few trips when I 
used a power strip and It’s only just twigged that might be why.





Sent from my iPad

On Aug 24, 2022, at 3:27 PM, Brian Kunde <bkundew...@gmail.com 
<mailto:bkundew...@gmail.com> > wrote:

If I have a rake of electrical equipment with a single power cord and a 
combined touch current exceeding 6mA, and I plug the rake into a circuit with a 
GFCI, will it trip?  




The Other Brian


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