Kirk Wallace wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-12-26 at 17:22 +0000, Lester Caine wrote:
>> Geert De Pecker wrote:
>>> I probably wrongly assumed that the voltage should come from the KBIC
>>> board. As you say, this would indeed be a flexible solution. Will look
>>> out from such a converter. My controller case is almost full, have to
>>> find some room to put this one in :-)
>> Don't need much space - this fits neatly on the end of the board
>> It's a pity that there is not a space for it actually on the board.
> Lester,
> I don't have one of these boards, so I am just being curious. Is this
> DC-DC module intended to fill the +12V supply requirement or is it in
> addition to? This is were it goes:
> ?
> How much adjustment will the potentiometer give? Thanks.
Check out page 7.
The thing to remember here is that the motor control pot on the Asian mills is 
at mains potential, so you need a totally isolated supply to drive that bit of 
the circuit. The boards I've played with a have a reasonable range on the pot, 
but I've only dropped to +9V from about 11V did not check how much further it 
would go.

The NEW boards from cnc4pc don't have the +12V requirement on board, so a +5V 
to +12V module may be required. The on board 12V relay has been replaced with 
a 5V one so the whole board just runs off 5V now.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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