2011. gada 18. Okt. 23:27 "andy pugh" <bodge...@gmail.com> rakstīja:
> On 18 October 2011 18:17, Viesturs Lācis <viesturs.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Machine with 2 spindles (one moved by XY, the other - by UV) and
> > stepper motors, running EMC2.4.6
> I haven't tried all that hard to follow the HAL, but I think you are
> at the level of complexity where a comp module might work better.

Custom comp module has the same problem as custom kinematics module - I have
to be present on site to install required packages and to rebuild EMC. There
is nobody capable to do that for me. My goal is t find temporary solution
until I am able to go there.

Are there any ideas, why do U and V make a jump, when sel pins of mux
components are set "true"?

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